From the site it states: "The Online Mom provides internet technology advice and information to help parents protect their kids, encourage responsible behavior and safely harness the power of technology in the new digital world. Social networking, photo sharing, video games, IM & texting, internet security, cyberbullying, educational resources, the latest on tech hardware, gadgets and software for kids 3-8, tweens and teens, and more."
I love the INTERNET section on her site. It covers how the internet works, e-commerce, educational tools, search engines, e-mail, instant messages, social networks, blogging, photo & video sharing, pornography & other dangers, and internet security tools.
This is the go to place for all your answers on what is going on with the Internet. Do you like reading high tech information that you don't understand? I bet you don't and you won't find that here. They easily explain these subjects quickly and move on to the next topic!
As a mom I try and be in the KNOW before I'm asked by my girls if they can join such and such on the internet and send the photo to such and such and so on. There have been times when they have asked me if they can join something that I didn't know about. So before I say yes they know I must check it out.

I found that The Online Mom is just the place to go to to explain things like Facebook, Texting acronyms, search engines, filters, etc. We are a homeschooling family and rely heavily on the internet. It is a wonderful resource that can no longer be ignored. Most likely your child uses the computer at home and at school. Guess what? They also use the computer at their friends house! Do yourself and your child a favor and learn all that you can to protect them.
Are you curious as to what MP3 players, thumb drives, video games, computers, phones, cameras, GPS devices and so on that your kids are wanting? Do you want to know how these products work? This site is the place to go to education yourself and arm yourself for the up and coming technology choices your kids are making for themselves based on what their friends have and what the TV tells them that they need to have.
I know that you are you ready to go check out The Online Mom right now! Sign up for the RSS feed and get weekly newsletters. Do you have a question that you can't seem to find the answer for? Click on ASK THE ONLINE MOM to submit your question.
You can also connect
- On Twitter with The Online Mom founder Monica Vila. She has tweetchats every Wednesday night using the hashtag #theonlinemom. Chats discuss everything from privacy on social networks to back to school gadgets.
- On Facebook where she has fan giveaways starting this Wednesday and running through Monday, September 21st. The giveaway includes a Nintendo Wii game system and some other prizes to fans who complete various fan challenges over the almost two-week contest period. Fan challenges will be announced by The Online Mom on her Facebook status updates, so fans will have to keep an eye on their home page newsfeed or check back on the page regularly for info.
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