
Made by Kids and Kid friendly Recipe Link up with Gooseberry Patch

I love Kids in the Kitchen cookbook by Gooseberry Patch!  Heck I just love a kid in the kitchen helping out anytime!  My youngest has always been a kitchen girl.  Now that she is "12" she still helps and wants to help but doesn't offer.  So I have to really make sure that I go out of my way and ask her to help me. 

Our kitchen rule is if you cook dinner you don't have to do the dishes.  If they cook, I'll gladly clean up for them! Here is the weekly Gooseberry Patch link up! I'm a little behind today posting! Link up!

Made by kids or just kid-friendly...we want your links!
To celebrate Kids in the Kitchen, our Cookbook of the Week, we thought we'd gather up all the kid-friendly or made-by-kids recipes from all of YOU. Goodness knows most moms are always on the hunt for a sure-fire hit, right?
Kids in the Kitchen: Recipes for Fun
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