
Mummy Face Pizza for Halloween

Are you my Mummy? This fun little recipe will have your kids saying that over and over! We made these years know way before blogging, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc etc etc. My daughters and I made a lot of fun things that I NEVER thought of back in the day to take pictures of. Now that it is Halloween time, we decided to quickly make some of these so that we could blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram,etc etc etc this easy recipe!

Have a little fun in the kitchen with your kids and make these for dinner. These would be great for any of your fall and halloween parties!

Mummy Face Pizza


1 half a bagel, english muffin, circle cut bread, etc.
1 teaspoon tomato sauce (spaghetti sauce or anything red)
1 mozzarella cheese stick
2 jalapeño slickes, black or green olives, peppers, etc for the eyes


1. Spoon 1 teaspoon of red sauce on the bread.
2. Pull apart string cheese and add in strips across the bagel.
3. Add on the eyes. Do anything you want.
4. Put in a toaster oven at 450 for 4 minutes. (no preheat necessary)
5. DONE! We always pull the cheese down a bit when warm to make a mouth.

Need more Mummy Ideas? Check out my Mr. Mummy Wreath being featured on the Bowdabra Blog today.

Want more Halloween ideas? Check out these awesome ideas ---HALLOWEEN 


  1. Really perfect snack! Pretty spooky. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  2. That is making me hungry. We need one of these at Halloween for sure!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  3. That mummy pizza is too cute. I love it.


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